Garlanda - 20" Hand-Dyed Mohair Artist Baby Bear by Emma's Bears - OOAK

Garlanda - 20" Hand-Dyed Mohair Artist Baby Bear by Emma's Bears - OOAK
By Emma and Mark Nicholson
20" (51cm)
This beautiful bear is one of our latest custom orders.
She is made entirely from curly kid mohair we've hand-dyed in a mix of soft mint and baby pink. Her nose is hand embroidered in a blend of three different aqua/mint/blue coloured DMC perle cotton threads. We've given her a pair of our large hand-painted glass eyes also in turquoise/mint/blue tones with hand sculpted eyelids and huge dramatic eyelashes.
This girl is fully T-pin jointed and stuffed rather well with polyfill, glass and steel shot weighting distributed all throughout her body, and limbs. (Her head hasn't been weighted so she is able to sit upright without toppling over). Her feet and hands have been cut from reversed hand-dyed mohair for a perfect colour match and feature our 3D pulled toe detailing with inktense shading.
She looks absolutely incredible displayed just with her stunning mohair on show, so we haven't given her too many accessories. Just a stunning silver-tone shell necklace and a fully removable floral hair clip.
This girl is a one of a kind artist bear.
~*~ Please Note that these bears are designed to be Adult Collectables and not intended for infants and young children due to small parts and potential for damage ~*~