Candyclove - 18" hand-dyed mohair Artist Bear by Emma's Bears - OOAK

Candyclove - 18" hand-dyed mohair Artist Bear by Emma's Bears - OOAK
By Emma and Mark Nicholson
18" (45cm)
Candyclove is a gentle little soul. He has been made using our unique 'Kanoa' design with some of our hand-dyed curlylocks mohair. He has a gorgeously round belly with long, tapered arms and hands and a long neck and muzzle. The mohair is dyed in a combination of pastel peach, multi-tonal blended pink/peach/cream and the original ivory white for contrast.
Candyclove looks out through black glass eyes with hand-sculpted eyelids. His nose is hand embroidered in a DMC perle cotton that matches the pink in his fur and in his gorgeous handmade wings (made especially for us by an American artist). He is fully t-pin jointed and stuffed with polyfill and glass shot to give him a nice bit of weight. His cute little toes and fingers have been 3D needle sculpted and shaded.
Candyclove wears a pendant of handmade polymer clay candies and cakes around his neck, and his wings are fully removable. Due to his portly belly and long, thin legs, this bear is not able to stand, but does look adorable sitting with his long arms in his lap and his wings catching the light.
Candyclove is a one of a kind artist bear.
~*~ Please Note that these bears are designed to be Adult Collectables and not intended for infants and young children due to small parts and potential for damage