Amelia Turtlebee - 21" Curlylocks Mohair Artist Bear by Emma's Bears - OOAK

Amelia Turtlebee - 21" Curlylocks Mohair Artist Bear by Emma's Bears - OOAK
Amelia Turtlebee
By Emma and Mark Nicholson
21" (53cm)
Amelia is made entirely from a curlylocks mohair - a gorgeous honey golden colour on a chocolate backing for her limbs and an ivory white for her head and body. We've also used some long pile ivory alpaca for her cheeks. Her nose is hand embroidered in a complementing chocolate brown DMC perle cotton, and we've given her a pair of our large hand-painted indigo blue glass eyes with hand sculpted eyelids and huge dramatic eyelashes.
Amelia is fully T-pin jointed and stuffed rather well with polyfill, glass and steel shot weighting distributed all throughout her body, and limbs. She has been securely, but slightly loosely jointed, which gives her a gorgeous ragdoll-like feel to her hug. Her arms are long, fully-furry and curved, perfect for tucking into her lap. While her foot pads have been made from beige faux suede, and feature our pulled toe detailing with inktense shading.
Amelia has been made in our 'Toddler Bear' design, so can be dressed in standard baby clothing if her new mum so decides. She will come with her adorable ruffled polkadot denim blue baby romper (Baby Berry brand, size 0000 new with tags), a semi precious moonstone pendant and a blue butterfly hair clip.
Amelia Turtlebee is a gorgeous one of a kind artist bear. The rest of her siblings will be available separately in their own listings.
~*~ Please Note that these bears are designed to be Adult Collectables and not intended for infants and young children due to small parts and potential for damage ~*~